I also overdid it. Our walk took us 10 minutes longer than usual and at the half way mark I really wasn't sure I had the energy to make it home. Although it was good to be out in the sunshine, and I had the chance to do a lot of thinking about where my head is at, I still feel like eating unhealthy foods. I rather fancy fish 'n chips for dinner, pancakes for breakfast tomorrow and lots and lots of chocolate. White chocolate. You know the Cadbury Melts? I'd like to sink into a bath full of them LOL! And all of this leads me to the conclusion that my hormones are raging. I had forgotten that mid cycle I am generally more fatigued than usual for about 10 days and that I have the most insanely strong food cravings. Now all I need to do (like it's so easy .. not!) is do my best to resist the food cravings and keep on keeping on.
Oh and the thought occurred to me as we were trudging home, I've lost 30+ kilograms now which probably (definitely really!) means I need to start downsizing my portions just a little LOL!
Well I'm off to have a somewhat late lunch, to contemplate our pile of ironing and, just possibly, spend some time creating in my studio.
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